Alaska Statutes
Chapter 06. Capital Project Matching Grant Programs
Sec. 37.06.040. Municipalities organized under federal law.

An entity organized under federal law as an Indian reserve that existed before enactment of 43 U.S.C. 1618(a) and is continued in existence under that subsection is a municipality for purposes of AS 37.06.010 - 37.06.090 and may not receive a grant under AS 37.06.020. In addition to other eligibility requirements applicable to municipalities, to qualify to receive a grant under AS 37.06.010, a municipality organized under federal law as an Indian reserve shall form a community development corporation with authority to determine how the grant money will be used. The corporation's charter must require that the governing board of the corporation shall be elected at an annual election open to all residents of the municipality who are registered and qualified to vote in state elections. The Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development may distribute money for the municipality only to a corporation organized in accordance with this section and only after the corporation has delivered a written waiver of sovereign immunity from legal action by the state to recover all or a portion of the money distributed under AS 37.06.010.