(a) When competitive sealed bidding is used, the procurement officer shall issue an invitation to bid. It must include a time, place, and date by which the bid must be received, purchase description, and a description of all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.
(b) The bidder shall have a valid Alaska business license at the time the contract is awarded. To qualify as an Alaska bidder under AS 36.30.321, a bidder shall have a valid Alaska business license at the time designated in the invitation to bid for bid opening. A bidder for a construction contract shall also submit proof of the bidder's registration under AS 08.18 before the contract may be awarded.
(c) If the commissioner of transportation and public facilities makes a written finding that the release of the estimated cost of a construction contract would adversely affect the state's ability to obtain the best competitive bid, the estimated cost is confidential information and may not be released to the public before bid opening.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 30. State Procurement Code
Article 2. Competitive Sealed Bidding.
Sec. 36.30.100. General policy.
Sec. 36.30.110. Invitation to bid.
Sec. 36.30.115. Subcontractors for construction contracts.
Sec. 36.30.130. Public notice of invitation to bid.
Sec. 36.30.150. Bid acceptance and bid evaluation.
Sec. 36.30.160. Late bids; correction or withdrawal of bids; cancellation of awards.