When a part of a parcel of land is taken and the remainder is in such shape or condition as to be of little value to its owner, or gives rise to claims or litigation concerning severance or other damage, the department may acquire the whole parcel and may sell the remainder or exchange it for other property needed for public works.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 35. Public Buildings, Works, and Improvements
Chapter 20. Acquisition and Disposition of Property
Sec. 35.20.010. Acquisition of land, rights-of-way, and materials by purchase or eminent domain.
Sec. 35.20.020. Declaration of taking.
Sec. 35.20.030. Acquisition and disposal of excess land.
Sec. 35.20.040. Authority to condemn or acquire publicly owned property for the purpose of exchange.
Sec. 35.20.050. Authority to purchase property for the purpose of exchange.