Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Conditions Leading to Presumption of Aban- donment of Particular Types of Personal Property.
Sec. 34.45.160. Bank deposits and money in financial organizations.

(a) A demand, savings, or matured time deposit with a banking or financial organization, including a deposit that is automatically renewable, and money paid toward the purchase of a share, a mutual investment certificate, or other intangible property interest in a banking or financial organization is presumed abandoned unless the owner, within the preceding five years, has
(1) in the case of a deposit, increased or decreased its amount or presented the passbook or other similar evidence of the deposit for the crediting of interest;
(2) communicated in writing with the banking or financial organization concerning the property; or
(3) otherwise indicated an interest in the property as evidenced by a memorandum or other record, on file, prepared by an employee of the banking or financial organization.
(b) A holder may not impose, with respect to property described in (a) of this section, a charge due to dormancy or inactivity, or cease payment of interest.
(c) Property described in (a) of this section that is automatically renewable is matured for purposes of (a) of this section upon the expiration of its initial time period. However, in the case of a renewal to which the owner consents at or about the time of renewal by communicating in writing with the banking or financial organization or by otherwise indicating consent as evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file, prepared by an employee of the organization, the property is matured upon the expiration of the last time period for which consent was given. If, at the time provided for delivery in AS 34.45.320, a penalty or forfeiture in the payment of interest would result from the delivery of the property, the time for delivery is extended until the time when no penalty or forfeiture would result.
(d) For purposes of this section, “property” includes interest and dividends.