Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Derelict Vessels.
Sec. 30.30.030. Limitation on applicability.

A vessel does not constitute a derelict vessel under this chapter if the
(1) department provides written authorization for the owner to anchor, moor, store, or otherwise leave the vessel within 14 days after the owner anchors, moors, stores, or leaves the vessel; and
(2) vessel is anchored, moored, stored, or otherwise left unattended for more than 14 days
(A) outside of an organized municipality where it is the custom, common, or accepted practice to anchor, moor, store, or otherwise leave a vessel in a port or harbor or in waters of the state;
(B) because climatic conditions make use of the vessel impracticable; or
(C) because other applicable provisions of law prohibit use of the vessel during that period of time.