Alaska Statutes
Article 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 30.17.900. Definitions.

In this chapter,
(1) “authority” means the Adak Reuse Authority created by this chapter;
(2) “bonds” means bonds or other obligations issued under this chapter;
(3) “business enterprise” means a single proprietorship, cooperative, corporation, firm, partnership, or other association of persons organized in any manner, for any creditworthy business purpose;
(4) “facility” means real property, whether above or below mean high water, or an interest in it, and the buildings, improvements, and structures constructed or to be constructed on or in it, and may include fixtures, machinery, and equipment on it or in it, and tangible personal property, regardless of whether the tangible personal property is attached to or connected with real property, if the owner has agreed not to remove the tangible personal property permanently from the state for the period the authority sets; “facility” does not include work in process or stock in trade;
(5) “federal agency” means the United States and any officer, department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States;
(6) “lease” includes, when used as a noun, an interest in, or, when used as a verb, the transfer of an interest in, property less than fee simple title, including, when used as a noun, agreements to use or occupy property;
(7) “person” includes a corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, organization, business trust, society, state or agency or subdivision of the state, municipality of the state, and a resource development authority, as well as a natural person;
(8) “project” means
(A) a facility used or intended for use in connection with making, processing, preparing, transporting, or producing goods, products, or substances of any kind or nature or in connection with developing or using a natural resource, or extracting, smelting, transporting, converting, assembling, or producing minerals, raw materials, chemicals, compounds, alloys, fibers, commodities and materials, products, or substances of any kind or nature;
(B) a facility used or intended for use in connection with a business enterprise;
(C) commercial activity by a small enterprise;
(D) a facility demonstrating technological advances of new methods and procedures and prototype commercial applications for the exploration, development, production, transportation, conversion, and use of energy resources;
(E) infrastructure for a new tourism destination facility or for the expansion of a tourism destination facility;
(F) a facility, other than a facility described in (D) of this paragraph, for the generation, transmission, development, transportation, conversion, or use of energy resources;
(9) “project applicant” means a business enterprise or enterprises proposing to
(A) use or occupy a project; or
(B) agree to permit others to use or occupy a project;
(10) “real property” means land and rights and interests in land, including interests less than full title such as easements, uses, leases, and licenses.