An authority has only those powers expressly granted in this chapter, reasonably implied from this chapter, or reasonably necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and to exercise the powers expressly granted in or reasonably implied from this chapter. An authority does not have powers of eminent domain, taxation, land use planning, zoning, permitting, or other similar governmental powers. An authority may not use state grants, appropriations, or other transfers from the state to satisfy bond obligations or otherwise establish collateral or security for bonds issued by the authority. An authority may not use rents, rates, fees, or other charges collected through operation of a facility owned by the authority to finance the improvement, establishment, and development of unrelated facilities.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 30. Navigation, Harbors, Shipping, and Transportation Facilities
Chapter 13. Regional Resource Development Authorities
Sec. 30.13.010. Creation of authority.
Sec. 30.13.020. Board of governors.
Sec. 30.13.030. Purpose of an authority.
Sec. 30.13.040. Powers of an authority.
Sec. 30.13.050. Limitation on powers.
Sec. 30.13.055. Consideration of projects to be financed.
Sec. 30.13.060. Bonds of an authority.
Sec. 30.13.070. Trust indentures and trust agreements.
Sec. 30.13.080. Validity of pledge.
Sec. 30.13.090. Nonliability on bonds.
Sec. 30.13.100. Pledge of the state.
Sec. 30.13.110. Exemption from taxation.
Sec. 30.13.120. Bonds as legal investments for fiduciaries.