Alaska Statutes
Chapter 20. Homeland Security and Civil Defense
Sec. 26.20.110. Lease or loan of state property and transfer of personnel.

Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, whenever the governor considers it is in the public interest and the urgency of the situation demands, the governor may
(1) authorize a department or agency of the state to lease or lend, on the terms and conditions that the governor considers necessary to promote the public welfare and protect the interests of the state, real or personal property of the state government to the president, the heads of the armed forces, or to the homeland security or civil defense agency of the United States;
(2) enter into an agreement on behalf of the state for the use or loan to any political subdivision of the state, on terms and conditions the governor considers necessary to promote the public welfare and protect the interests of the state, of real or personal property of the state government, or the temporary transfer or employment of personnel of the state government, to or by any political subdivision of the state.