Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Contributions.
Sec. 23.20.250. Lien upon distribution or assignment of assets.

(a) If the assets of an employer are distributed under a court order, including a receivership, probate, legal dissolution, or a similar proceeding, or in the case of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, a composition, or a similar proceeding, contributions which are or which become due are a lien upon all the assets of the employer. The lien is prior to all other liens or claims except a prior tax lien, a lien filed or recorded under AS 23.20.200, or a claim for remuneration of service of not more than $250 to each claimant, earned within six months before the starting of the proceeding.
(b) The existence of a condition of insolvency or the institution of a judicial proceeding for legal dissolution or of a proceeding for distribution of assets causes the lien to attach without action on behalf of the department or the state.
(c) In the event of an employer's adjudication in bankruptcy, judicially-confirmed extension proposal, or composition, under 11 U.S.C. (Federal Bankruptcy Act), contributions that are or become due are entitled to the priority provided under that Act, as amended.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 23. Labor and Workers' Compensation

Chapter 20. Alaska Employment Security Act

Article 3. Contributions.

Sec. 23.20.165. Payment of contributions.

Sec. 23.20.170. Rate of contributions.

Sec. 23.20.175. Base of contributions.

Sec. 23.20.180. Records and analysis of experience with unemployment risk.

Sec. 23.20.185. Interest on past due contributions.

Sec. 23.20.190. Penalty for failure to file reports.

Sec. 23.20.195. Penalty for nonpayment of contribution.

Sec. 23.20.200. Lien.

Sec. 23.20.205. Notice of assessment, distraint, seizure, and sale.

Sec. 23.20.210. Inventory and sale.

Sec. 23.20.215. Notice and order to withhold and deliver.

Sec. 23.20.220. Appeals.

Sec. 23.20.225. Adjustments and refunds.

Sec. 23.20.230. Arbitrary reports.

Sec. 23.20.235. Jeopardy assessment.

Sec. 23.20.240. Collection of delinquent contributions.

Sec. 23.20.242. Appeals by officer, manager, member, or employee.

Sec. 23.20.245. Remedies cumulative.

Sec. 23.20.247. Employer's security for delinquent contributions.

Sec. 23.20.248. Injunctive relief.

Sec. 23.20.250. Lien upon distribution or assignment of assets.

Sec. 23.20.255. Compromise of contributions.

Sec. 23.20.260. Liability of successor employer.

Sec. 23.20.265. Liability of contractor and principal for contributions.

Sec. 23.20.270. Limitation of actions and uncollectible accounts.

Sec. 23.20.275. Service of process.

Sec. 23.20.276. Financing benefits paid to employees of nonprofit organizations; election.

Sec. 23.20.277. Reimbursement payments by nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and federally recognized tribes.

Sec. 23.20.278. Financing benefits paid to employees of the state, political subdivisions of the state, or a federally recognized tribe.

Sec. 23.20.279. Prohibition on relief of certain charges to an employer's account.