A judge of the superior court shall be a citizen of the United States and of the state, a resident of the state for five years immediately preceding appointment, have been engaged for not less than five years immediately preceding appointment in the active practice of law, and at the time of appointment be licensed to practice law in the state. The active practice of law shall be as defined for justices of the supreme court in AS 22.05.070.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 10. The Superior Court
Sec. 22.10.010. Establishment of superior court.
Sec. 22.10.020. Jurisdiction of the superior court.
Sec. 22.10.025. Powers of superior court in action for divorce, separation, or child support.
Sec. 22.10.030. Where actions are to be brought.
Sec. 22.10.040. Change of venue.
Sec. 22.10.050. General powers and sessions.
Sec. 22.10.060. Effect of adjournment.
Sec. 22.10.090. Qualifications of judges.
Sec. 22.10.110. Oath of office.
Sec. 22.10.120. Number of judges.
Sec. 22.10.130. Appointment and duties of presiding judges.
Sec. 22.10.140. Chief justice may assign superior court judges.