Alaska Statutes
Chapter 80. Alaska Insurance Guaranty Association Act
Sec. 21.80.020. Applicability.

This chapter applies to all kinds of direct insurance written by an admitted insurer, except that this chapter does not apply to the following:
(1) life, annuity, health, or disability insurance;
(2) residual value, mortgage guaranty, or financial guaranty of other forms of insurance offering protection against investment risks;
(3) bonding obligations, including fidelity or surety bonds;
(4) insurance protecting the interests of a creditor arising out of a creditor-debtor transaction, including credit insurance, vendors' single interest insurance, or collateral protection insurance;
(5) insurance of warranties or service contracts, including insurance providing for
(A) the repair, replacement, or service of goods or property;
(B) indemnification for repair, replacement, or service of goods or property; or
(C) reimbursement for liability incurred by a person issuing a warranty or service contract;
(6) title insurance;
(7) a transaction or combination of transactions between a person, including the person's affiliates, and an insurer, including the insurer's affiliates, that involves the transfer of investment or credit risk unaccompanied by the transfer of insurance risk;
(8) insurance provided by or guaranteed by a government;
(9) a risk retention group formed under 15 U.S.C. 3901 - 3906 (Liability Risk Retention Act);
(10) insurance written on a retroactive basis to cover known losses for which a claim has already been made and the claim is known to the insurer at the time the insurance is bound.