(a) A seafood marketing assessment shall be levied on the value of seafood products produced in Alaska as provided in (b), (c), (d), (e), (h), or (i) of this section if an election is held under AS 16.51.140 at which the assessment is approved by eligible processors who together produce at least 51 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska in the calendar year.
(b) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .1 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
(c) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .2 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
(d) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .3 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
(e) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .4 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
(f) An election under (a) of this section shall be held if the proposed election for the levying of an assessment under (b), (c), (d), (e), (h), or (i) of this section is approved by a majority of the whole membership of the board at a regularly scheduled meeting.
(g) Notwithstanding (a) - (e), (h), and (i) of this section and AS 16.51.150(c), a processor is not subject to, or liable for payment of, an assessment under this section on the value of the seafood products produced in Alaska if the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor is less than $50,000 in a calendar year. This subsection does not exempt a processor from liability for payment of taxes imposed under AS 43.75 or AS 43.77.
(h) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .5 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
(i) Each processor shall pay a seafood marketing assessment of .6 percent of the value of seafood products produced in Alaska by the processor.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 51. Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Sec. 16.51.010. Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute established.
Sec. 16.51.020. Board of directors.
Sec. 16.51.030. Term of office.
Sec. 16.51.040. Removal and vacancies.
Sec. 16.51.060. Compensation of board members.
Sec. 16.51.080. Employment of personnel.
Sec. 16.51.090. Powers of board.
Sec. 16.51.095. Executive Budget Act.
Sec. 16.51.100. Duties of board.
Sec. 16.51.110. Prohibited promotions.
Sec. 16.51.120. Seafood marketing assessment.
Sec. 16.51.130. Termination of the seafood marketing assessment.
Sec. 16.51.140. Procedures for an election to approve or terminate a seafood marketing assessment.
Sec. 16.51.150. Determination of value.
Sec. 16.51.160. Collection of assessments and disposition of proceeds.