The department shall avoid destruction of nuisance moose if a practicable alternative exists for the relocation of the moose to suitable habitat where the moose will not be a nuisance. The commissioner may authorize one or more private individuals or groups to relocate nuisance moose to suitable habitat designated by the department if, upon review and evaluation of a written application and proposal, the commissioner finds that the individual or group is qualified to relocate nuisance moose without undue danger to the public, themselves, or the moose. Before relocating nuisance moose, an authorized individual or group shall provide financial assurances acceptable to the commissioner that will cover the state's reasonable anticipated costs of the relocation and indemnify the state for liability for damages to private persons and property arising from the actions of the individual or group in relocating nuisance moose under this section. The authorized individual or group shall reimburse the state for its costs that arise from relocating nuisance moose. A civil action to recover damages or costs that arise from relocating nuisance moose may not be brought against the state or a political subdivision, officer, or employee of the state. If darts containing narcotics are used to tranquilize moose, all of the darts shall be recovered and properly disposed. In this section, “nuisance moose” means moose designated by the department in an area of concentrated human population that pose a significant risk to the health, safety, or economic well-being of persons in the area.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 05. Fish and Game Code and Definitions
Article 1. The Department of Fish and Game.
Sec. 16.05.010. Commissioner of fish and game.
Sec. 16.05.020. Functions of commissioner.
Sec. 16.05.040. Compensation of commissioner.
Sec. 16.05.050. Powers and duties of commissioner.
Sec. 16.05.052. Nuisance moose.
Sec. 16.05.055. On-board observer program.
Sec. 16.05.060. Emergency orders.
Sec. 16.05.065. Application extension.
Sec. 16.05.070. Regulations as evidence.
Sec. 16.05.080. Limitation of power.
Sec. 16.05.090. Organization of the department.
Sec. 16.05.092. Fisheries rehabilitation, enhancement, and development.
Sec. 16.05.094. Duties of section of subsistence hunting and fishing.
Sec. 16.05.100. Fish and game fund established.
Sec. 16.05.110. Composition of fund.
Sec. 16.05.120. Disbursement of funds.
Sec. 16.05.130. Diversion of funds prohibited; separate accounts.
Sec. 16.05.140. Assent to provisions of federal aid acts.
Sec. 16.05.150. Enforcement authority.
Sec. 16.05.160. Duty to arrest.
Sec. 16.05.165. Form and issuance of citation.
Sec. 16.05.170. Power to execute warrant.
Sec. 16.05.180. Power to search without warrant.
Sec. 16.05.190. Seizure and disposition of equipment.
Sec. 16.05.195. Forfeiture of equipment.