Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Congressional Ballot Access Limitation Act.
Sec. 15.30.160. Findings and declarations.

The people of the State of Alaska hereby find and declare as follows:
(1) federal officeholders who remain in office for extended periods of time become preoccupied with their own reelection and for that reason devote more effort to campaigning for their office than making legislative decisions for the benefit of the people of Alaska;
(2) federal officeholders have become to closely aligned with the special interest groups who provide contributions and support for their reelection campaigns, give them special favors, and lobby the House of Representatives and Senate for special interest legislation, all of which create corruption or the appearance of corruption of the legislative system;
(3) entrenched incumbency has discouraged qualified citizens from seeking office and has led to a lack of competitiveness and a decline in robust debate on issues of importance to the people of Alaska;
(4) due to the appearance of corruption and the lack of competition for the legislative seats held by the entrenched incumbents, there has been a reduction in voter participation which is counter-productive in a representative democracy;
(5) the citizens of Alaska have a compelling interest in preventing corruption and the appearance of corruption by limiting the number of terms which any Senator or Representative representing the people of this state may serve;
(6) the citizens of Alaska have a compelling interest in preserving the integrity of the ballot by promoting competitive elections and limiting the influence of special interests upon entrenched incumbent legislators;
(7) the citizens of Alaska have a compelling interest in voting for the candidate or candidates of their choice, and in standing for and holding elective office, and in preventing the perpetual monopolization of elective offices by incumbents;
(8) the citizens of Alaska have a compelling interest in extending the equal protection of the laws by ensuring that more of the people of this state have an equal opportunity to stand for and hold elective office.