Alaska Statutes
Article 11. Adventure-Based Education.
Sec. 14.30.500. Adventure-based education program.

An adventure-based education program is a program designed to bring adventure-based education to high school students and appropriate juvenile offenders. A program shall include provisions for the following phases:
(1) Phase I: Basic Skills Learning
(A) physical conditioning: running, hiking, swimming, and other related activities;
(B) technical training: the use of specialized tools and equipment, camping, cooking, map reading, navigation, life saving, drown proofing, and solo survival;
(C) safety training: first aid skills, emergency care, preventive medicine, nutrition, health, and personal hygiene care;
(D) team training: rescue techniques, evacuation exercises, and fire fighting;
(E) solo: solitary living for a short period with minimal equipment;
(F) interpersonal skills training: coping skills, individual and group problem solving, and societal communication skills;
(G) culturally relevant activities: traditional modes of subsistence living, traveling and surviving in wilderness areas and communities in Alaska, and cross-cultural experiences.
(2) Phase II: Skills Generalization
(A) vocational counseling and placement;
(B) family and interpersonal counseling;
(C) community systems utilization:
(i) transportation,
(ii) community services systems,
(iii) community problem solving.