(a) [See delayed amendment notes.] For purposes of this chapter, the determination of the number of schools in a district is subject to the following:
(1) a community with an ADM of at least 10, but not more than 100, shall be counted as one school;
(2) a community with an ADM of at least 101, but not more than 425, shall be counted as
(A) [See delayed amendment note.] one elementary school, which includes those students in grades kindergarten through six; and
(B) one secondary school, which includes students in grades seven through 12;
(3) in a community with an ADM of greater than 425, each facility that is administered as a separate school shall be counted as one school, except that each alternative school with an ADM of less than 175 shall be counted as a part of the school in the district with the highest ADM.
(b) Notwithstanding (a)(3) of this section and for purposes other than calculations under AS 14.17.450, a charter school shall be counted as a separate school if the charter school has an ADM of at least 150 students.
(c) Notwithstanding (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, in a community with an ADM of greater than 425 that has only one facility administered as a school, excluding charter schools, for students in grades kindergarten through 12, the number of schools for the community shall be counted under (a)(2) of this section.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums
Chapter 17. Financing of Public Schools
Article 4. General Provisions.
Sec. 14.17.900. Construction and implementation of chapter.
Sec. 14.17.905. Facilities constituting a school.
Sec. 14.17.910. Restrictions governing receipt and expenditure of district money.