A disposition document must be in substantially the following form:
DISPOSITION DOCUMENTYou can select Part 1, Part 2, or both, by completing the part(s) you select, including providing any signatures indicated. Part 3 contains general statements and a place for your signature. You must sign in front of a notary.PART 1. APPOINTMENT OF AGENT TO CONTROL DISPOSITION OF REMAINS. If you appoint an agent, you and your agent must complete this part as indicated, and the agent must sign this part.I, __________________________________, being of sound mind, wilfully and voluntarily make known my desire that, on my death, the disposition of my remains shall be controlled by __________________________________ (name of agent first named below), and, with respect to that subject only, I appoint that person as my agent. All decisions made by my agent with respect to the disposition of my remains, including cremation, are binding.ACCEPTANCE BY AGENT OF APPOINTMENT.THE AGENT, AND EACH SUCCESSOR AGENT, BY ACCEPTING THIS APPOINTMENT, AGREES TO AND ASSUMES THE OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. AN AGENT MAY SIGN AT ANY TIME, BUT AN AGENT'S AUTHORITY TO ACT IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE AGENT SIGNS BELOW TO INDICATE THE ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT. ANY NUMBER OF AGENTS MAY SIGN, BUT ONLY THE SIGNATURE OF THE AGENT ACTING AT ANY TIME IS REQUIRED.AGENT:Name: ___________________Address: ___________________Telephone Number: ___________________Signature Indicating Acceptance of Appointment:___________________Date of Signature: ___________________SUCCESSORS:If my agent dies, becomes legally disabled, resigns, or refuses to act, I appoint the following persons (each to act alone and successively, in the order named) to serve as my agent to control the disposition of my remains as authorized by this document:(1) First SuccessorName: ___________________Address: ___________________Telephone Number: ___________________Signature Indicating Acceptance of Appointment:___________________Date of Signature: ___________________(2) Second SuccessorName: ___________________Address: ___________________Telephone Number: ___________________Signature Indicating Acceptance of Appointment:___________________Date of Signature: ___________________PART 2. DIRECTIONS FOR THE DISPOSITION OF MY REMAINS.Stated below are my directions for the disposition of my remains:____________________________________________________________________________If the disposition of my remains is by cremation, then (pick one):( ) I do not wish to allow any of my survivors the option of canceling my cremation and selecting alternative arrangements, regardless of whether my survivors consider a change to be appropriate.( ) I wish to allow only the survivors I have designated below to have the option of canceling my cremation and selecting alternative arrangements, if they consider a change to be appropriate:____________________________________________________________________________PART 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND SIGNATURE.WHEN DIRECTIONS BECOME EFFECTIVE. The directions, including any appointment of an agent, in this disposition document become effective on my death.REVOCATION OF PRIOR APPOINTMENTS. I revoke any prior appointment of any person to control the disposition of my remains.SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING DISPOSITION DOCUMENTSignature: ___________________Date of signature: ___________________(Notary acknowledgment of signature)
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 13. Decedents' Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, Trusts, and Health Care Decisions
Chapter 75. Disposition of Human Remains
Sec. 13.75.010. Directions by decedent.
Sec. 13.75.020. Persons authorized to control disposition.
Sec. 13.75.030. Form of disposition document.
Sec. 13.75.040. Agent's appointment.
Sec. 13.75.050. Exercise of authority.
Sec. 13.75.060. Certain persons prohibited from control.
Sec. 13.75.070. Prohibition of cremation; written instructions.
Sec. 13.75.080. Implementation of directions.