Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Classification of Offenses.
Sec. 11.81.250. Classification of offenses.

(a) For purposes of sentencing under AS 12.55, all offenses defined in this title, except murder in the first and second degree, attempted murder in the first degree, solicitation to commit murder in the first degree, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, murder of an unborn child, sexual assault in the first degree, sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, misconduct involving a controlled substance in the first degree, sex trafficking in the first degree under AS 11.66.110(a)(2), and kidnapping, are classified on the basis of their seriousness, according to the type of injury characteristically caused or risked by commission of the offense and the culpability of the offender. Except for murder in the first and second degree, attempted murder in the first degree, solicitation to commit murder in the first degree, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, murder of an unborn child, sexual assault in the first degree, sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, misconduct involving a controlled substance in the first degree, sex trafficking in the first degree under AS 11.66.110(a)(2), and kidnapping, the offenses in this title are classified into the following categories:
(1) class A felonies, which characteristically involve conduct resulting in serious physical injury or a substantial risk of serious physical injury to a person;
(2) class B felonies, which characteristically involve conduct resulting in less severe violence against a person than class A felonies, aggravated offenses against property interests, or aggravated offenses against public administration or order;
(3) class C felonies, which characteristically involve conduct serious enough to deserve felony classification but not serious enough to be classified as A or B felonies;
(4) class A misdemeanors, which characteristically involve less severe violence against a person, less serious offenses against property interests, less serious offenses against public administration or order, or less serious offenses against public health and decency than felonies;
(5) class B misdemeanors, which characteristically involve a minor risk of physical injury to a person, minor offenses against property interests, minor offenses against public administration or order, or minor offenses against public health and decency;
(6) violations, which characteristically involve conduct inappropriate to an orderly society but which do not denote criminality in their commission.
(b) The classification of each felony defined in this title, except murder in the first and second degree, attempted murder in the first degree, solicitation to commit murder in the first degree, conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, murder of an unborn child, sexual assault in the first degree, sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, misconduct involving a controlled substance in the first degree, sex trafficking in the first degree under AS 11.66.110(a)(2), and kidnapping, is designated in the section defining it. A felony under the law of this state defined outside this title for which no penalty is specifically provided is a class C felony.
(c) The classification of each misdemeanor defined in this title is designated in the section defining it. A misdemeanor under Alaska law defined outside this title for which no penalty is provided is a class A misdemeanor.