A biennial report must set out
(1) the name of the company and the state or country where it is organized;
(2) the address of the registered office of the company in this state, and the name of its registered agent in this state at that address, and, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the address of its principal office in the state or country where it is organized;
(3) the names and addresses of the managers of the company, or, if the company is not managed by a manager, the names and addresses of the members of the company;
(4) the name and address of each person owning at least a five percent interest in the company and the percentage of interest owned by that person in the company.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Chapter 50. Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act
Sec. 10.50.750. Biennial report required.
Sec. 10.50.755. Contents of biennial report.
Sec. 10.50.760. Filing of biennial report.
Sec. 10.50.765. Filing interim notice of change of managers or managing members.