Registration of a business name is made by filing with the commissioner an application for registration. The application must be executed by an owner of the business and must contain the owner's name and address, the name and addresses of the business, the name and address of each person having an interest in the business, a statement that the owner is doing business, and a brief statement of the nature of the business.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Sec. 10.35.010. Reservation of name.
Sec. 10.35.020. Application to reserve name; availability of name.
Sec. 10.35.030. Transfer of reserved name.
Sec. 10.35.040. Registration of name.
Sec. 10.35.050. Procedure for registration of name.
Sec. 10.35.060. Fee for and duration of registered name.
Sec. 10.35.070. Renewal of registered name.
Sec. 10.35.080. Business names not registered.