Alaska Statutes
Article 5. Dissolution.
Sec. 10.20.452. Continued existence for certain purposes.

If a dissolved corporation is the owner of real or personal property, or claims an interest in or lien upon real or personal property, the corporation through its board of directors continues to exist for five years after the date of dissolution for the purpose of conveying, transferring, or releasing the real or personal property or interest in or lien upon the property. In addition, a dissolved corporation through its board of directors continues to exist for the purpose of being made a party in an action or proceeding arising before dissolution and involving the title to real or personal property or an interest in it. The action or proceeding may be instituted and maintained in the same manner as before the dissolution of the corporation. This section does not affect or suspend a statute of limitations applicable to a claim. For the purpose of service of process, notice, or demand within the prescribed time following dissolution, the commissioner is an agent of the dissolved corporation upon whom service may be made in the manner prescribed in AS 10.06.175(b).

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 10. Corporations and Associations

Chapter 20. Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act

Article 5. Dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.290. Voluntary dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.295. Distribution of assets.

Sec. 10.20.300. Plan of distribution.

Sec. 10.20.305. Revocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings.

Sec. 10.20.310. Articles of dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.315. Filing of articles of dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.320. Effect of certificate of dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.325. Grounds for involuntary dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.335. Notice to corporation.

Sec. 10.20.345. Removal of ground for dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.355. Jurisdiction of court to liquidate assets and business of corporation.

Sec. 10.20.360. Action by members for liquidation.

Sec. 10.20.365. Action by creditor for liquidation.

Sec. 10.20.370. Liquidation on application by corporation.

Sec. 10.20.380. Joinder of members.

Sec. 10.20.385. Procedure in liquidation of corporation by court.

Sec. 10.20.390. Appointment of receiver; powers.

Sec. 10.20.395. Disposition of assets or proceeds.

Sec. 10.20.400. Powers and duties of receiver.

Sec. 10.20.405. Compensation of receiver and attorneys.

Sec. 10.20.410. Power of receiver to sue and defend.

Sec. 10.20.415. Exclusive jurisdiction of appointing court.

Sec. 10.20.420. Qualifications of receivers.

Sec. 10.20.425. Filing of claims in liquidation proceedings.

Sec. 10.20.430. Discontinuance of liquidation proceedings.

Sec. 10.20.435. Decree of involuntary dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.440. Filing of decree of dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.445. Deposit with commissioner of amount due creditors or members.

Sec. 10.20.450. Survival of remedy after dissolution.

Sec. 10.20.452. Continued existence for certain purposes.