A majority of the number of directors fixed by the bylaws, or, in the absence of a bylaw fixing the number of directors, the number stated in the articles of incorporation, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business unless a greater number is required by the articles of incorporation or the bylaws. The act of the majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present is the act of the board of directors, unless the act of a greater number is required by the articles of incorporation or the bylaws.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Chapter 20. Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act
Article 1. Substantive Provisions.
Sec. 10.20.007. Corporations organized under Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
Sec. 10.20.011. General powers.
Sec. 10.20.016. Defense of ultra vires.
Sec. 10.20.021. Corporate name.
Sec. 10.20.026. Registered office and registered agent.
Sec. 10.20.031. Filing list of corporations.
Sec. 10.20.036. Change of registered office or agent.
Sec. 10.20.041. Change of location or resignation of registered agent.
Sec. 10.20.046. Service on corporation.
Sec. 10.20.051. Members and liability of directors, officers, employees, and members.
Sec. 10.20.061. Meetings of members.
Sec. 10.20.066. Notice of meetings.
Sec. 10.20.071. Voting; quorum.
Sec. 10.20.076. Quorum of members.
Sec. 10.20.081. Board of directors.
Sec. 10.20.086. Number of directors.
Sec. 10.20.091. Membership and term of office of first board of directors.
Sec. 10.20.096. Election and terms of directors.
Sec. 10.20.106. Quorum of directors.
Sec. 10.20.111. Executive committee.
Sec. 10.20.116. Place and notice of directors' meetings.
Sec. 10.20.126. Removal of officers.
Sec. 10.20.131. Books and records; inspection.
Sec. 10.20.136. Shares of stock and dividends prohibited; compensation, benefits, and distributions.