The corporation may not deposit any of its funds in a banking institution unless the institution has been designated as a depository by a vote of a majority of the directors present at an authorized meeting of the board of directors, exclusive of a director who is an officer or director of the depository. The corporation may not receive money on deposit.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 10. Corporations and Associations
Chapter 10. Business and Industrial Development Corporation Act
Sec. 10.10.010. Incorporation.
Sec. 10.10.020. Assistance of commissioner.
Sec. 10.10.030. Articles of incorporation and certificate of incorporation.
Sec. 10.10.040. General powers.
Sec. 10.10.050. Authorization of members.
Sec. 10.10.060. Admission to membership.
Sec. 10.10.070. Loans by members.
Sec. 10.10.080. Duration of membership.
Sec. 10.10.090. Powers of stockholders and members.
Sec. 10.10.100. Voting by members and stockholders.
Sec. 10.10.110. Amendment of articles.
Sec. 10.10.120. Directors and officers; annual and special meetings.
Sec. 10.10.130. Earned surplus.
Sec. 10.10.140. Designation of depository; prohibition against receiving deposits.
Sec. 10.10.150. Examinations, reports of condition, and required information.
Sec. 10.10.160. First meeting of corporation.
Sec. 10.10.170. Duration of corporation.
Sec. 10.10.180. Dissolution of corporation.
Sec. 10.10.185. Cancellation of corporate filings.
Sec. 10.10.190. Prohibition of pledge of credit of state.