Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 09.55.450. Right of entry and possession.

(a) Upon the filing of the declaration of taking and the deposit of the estimated compensation, the court may, upon motion, fix the time during which and the terms upon which the parties in possession are required to surrender possession to the petitioner. However, the right of entry may not be granted the plaintiff until after the running of the time for the defendant to file an objection to the declaration of taking or until after the hearing on any objection to the declaration of taking if the objection is made in the time allowed by law. Where the party in possession withdraws any part of the award and remains in possession, the court may fix a reasonable rental for the premises to be paid by that party to the plaintiff during such possession.
(b) The court may direct the payment of delinquent taxes and special assessments out of the amount determined to be just compensation, and make orders with respect to encumbrances, liens, rents, insurance, and other charges as are just and equitable.
(c) The right to take possession and title in advance of final judgment where a declaration of taking is filed is in addition to any other rights to take possession provided in AS 09.55.240 - 09.55.460.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 9. Code of Civil Procedure

Chapter 55. Special Actions and Proceedings

Article 4. Eminent Domain.

Sec. 09.55.240. Uses for which authorized; rights-of-way.

Sec. 09.55.250. Classification of estates and land subject to be taken.

Sec. 09.55.260. Private property subject to be taken.

Sec. 09.55.265. Taking of property under reservation void.

Sec. 09.55.266. Existing rights not affected.

Sec. 09.55.270. Prerequisites.

Sec. 09.55.275. Replat approval.

Sec. 09.55.280. Entry upon land.

Sec. 09.55.290. Jurisdiction.

Sec. 09.55.300. Powers of court.

Sec. 09.55.310. Hearing.

Sec. 09.55.320. Right to jury trial as to damages and value of property.

Sec. 09.55.330. Compensation and damages.

Sec. 09.55.340. Defective title.

Sec. 09.55.350. Time for paying compensation or damages and bond to build railroad fences and cattle guards.

Sec. 09.55.360. Payment or deposit and execution.

Sec. 09.55.370. Final order of condemnation.

Sec. 09.55.380. Order authorizing plaintiff to continue in or take possession.

Sec. 09.55.390. Acquisition of easements and additional powers of the court to require surrender of possession to plaintiff.

Sec. 09.55.400. Deposit into court of estimated compensation and damages; costs and fees.

Sec. 09.55.410. Withdrawal of funds by party in interest.

Sec. 09.55.420. Declaration of taking by state or municipality.

Sec. 09.55.430. Contents of declaration of taking.

Sec. 09.55.440. Vesting of title and compensation.

Sec. 09.55.450. Right of entry and possession.

Sec. 09.55.460. Effect of appeal.