(a) At such times as need may require, but not later than November 30 of each year, the administrative director of the Alaska Court System shall prepare for each judicial district a list of the names of the residents of the district who are qualified by law for jury service. If the superior court is located in different cities in the same judicial district, the administrative director shall prepare for each location of the court a list of the names of the qualified residents of that portion of the district considered to be appropriate.
(b) The jury list shall be based on a list prepared by the Department of Revenue of all persons who filed an application for a distribution of Alaska permanent fund income under AS 43.23 during the current calendar year that shows an Alaska address, and of all persons who volunteer for jury duty under (d) of this section. If considered necessary by the administrative director of the Alaska Court System, the jury list shall incorporate a list prepared by the Department of Administration of all persons who hold a valid Alaska driver's license. The departments shall submit their respective lists to the Alaska Court System not later than September 30 of each year. To the extent that it is available, the departments shall include on the lists they submit the following information for each person: first name, middle initial, and last name; mailing address, including the zip code; and birth date. The lists shall be recorded on magnetic tape compatible with Alaska Court System data processing equipment.
(c) A copy of the appropriate portion of the jury list shall be transmitted to the presiding judge of each judicial district and shall only be used to summon jurors and for other purposes of judicial administration. Duplicate names and the names of deceased persons and persons permanently excused from jury service shall be eliminated from the list before it is transmitted to the presiding judge. A questionnaire for prospective jurors may be adopted and submitted to them by the administrative director of the Alaska Court System.
(d) A person who is qualified as a juror under AS 09.20.010 and is not disqualified from serving as a juror by AS 09.20.020 may volunteer for jury duty by contacting the administrative director of the Alaska Court System and providing the information the administrative director may require.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 9. Code of Civil Procedure
Article 1. Jurors and Verdict.
Sec. 09.20.010. Qualification of jurors; interpreters.
Sec. 09.20.020. Disqualification of jurors.
Sec. 09.20.025. Limitation on jury service.
Sec. 09.20.035. Deferral of jury service.
Sec. 09.20.037. Protection for employee on jury duty.
Sec. 09.20.040. Compliance with statute.
Sec. 09.20.050. Jury list.
Sec. 09.20.060. Use of jury box or computer list.
Sec. 09.20.070. Public drawing for jurors for panel.