Alaska Statutes
Article 7. Originator Surety Fund.
Sec. 06.60.700. Payment of small claims judgment.

(a) If a fund claim dismissed under AS 06.60.610 results in a monetary award against a mortgage loan originator licensee, the department may pay, subject to AS 06.60.710 and 06.60.720, any outstanding portion of the small claims judgment from money appropriated to the department for the purpose.
(b) Before making payment under (a) of this section, the person who received the award shall file with the department a copy of the final judgment and an affidavit stating that more than 30 days have elapsed since the judgment became final and that the judgment has not yet been satisfied by the mortgage loan originator licensee against whom the award was made.
(c) After the department pays a small claims judgment under this section, the department is subrogated to the rights of the person to whom the money was awarded under the judgment.