Alaska Statutes
Chapter 45. Alaska Credit Union Act
Sec. 06.45.010. Responsibility of commissioner.

(a) The commissioner shall administer this chapter.
(b) The commissioner may by regulation define the powers of credit unions formed under this chapter and adopt regulations to carry out the purposes of credit unions consistent with this chapter and AS 06.01.020.
(c) The commissioner may delegate any authority, power, or function granted by this chapter.
(d) The records of credit unions shall be kept and reports shall be made in accordance with regulations adopted by the commissioner.
(e) A person appointed or elected by a credit union to a position requiring the receipt, payment, or custody of money or personal property owned by a credit union or in its custody or control as collateral or otherwise shall give bond in a corporate surety company approved by the commissioner on a form approved by the commissioner and in an amount prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner may approve the use of a form of schedule or blanket bond which covers all the officers and employees of a credit union whose duties include the receipt, payment, or custody of money or other personal property for or on behalf of the credit union. The commissioner may approve the use of a form of excess coverage bond under which a credit union may obtain coverage in excess of the basic surety coverage.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 6. Banks and Financial Institutions

Chapter 45. Alaska Credit Union Act

Sec. 06.45.010. Responsibility of commissioner.

Sec. 06.45.020. Formation of credit union.

Sec. 06.45.030. Approval of articles of incorporation and issuance of certificate of authority.

Sec. 06.45.040. Fees.

Sec. 06.45.050. Reports and examinations.

Sec. 06.45.060. Powers of a credit union; remedy for interest violations.

Sec. 06.45.070. Membership.

Sec. 06.45.080. Meetings of members.

Sec. 06.45.090. Management of credit union.

Sec. 06.45.100. Compensation.

Sec. 06.45.110. Executive officers.

Sec. 06.45.120. Board of directors.

Sec. 06.45.130. Applications for membership.

Sec. 06.45.140. Powers and duties of credit committee.

Sec. 06.45.150. Loan restriction.

Sec. 06.45.160. Security.

Sec. 06.45.170. Powers and duties of supervisory committee; suspension of committee members.

Sec. 06.45.180. Reserves.

Sec. 06.45.190. Dividends.

Sec. 06.45.200. Expulsion and withdrawal of members.

Sec. 06.45.210. Minors or trusts.

Sec. 06.45.220. Suspension, conditional operation, and liquidation.

Sec. 06.45.230. Exemption from taxation.

Sec. 06.45.240. Conversions.

Sec. 06.45.250. Insurance of member accounts.

Sec. 06.45.260. Liquidity facility participation.

Sec. 06.45.270. Conflict of interest.

Sec. 06.45.280. Merger.

Sec. 06.45.290. Branch offices.

Sec. 06.45.295. Automated teller machines.

Sec. 06.45.300. Unauthorized conduct of credit union business.

Sec. 06.45.310. Transfer of credit union's property to preferred creditor is void.

Sec. 06.45.340. Limitations on credit unions.

Sec. 06.45.400. Definitions.