If, incidental to the construction or maintenance of a state airport, the department determines and orders that an encroachment previously authorized by written permit must be changed, relocated, or removed, the owner of the encroachment shall change, relocate, or remove it within a reasonable time set by the department in the order. The cost of the change, relocation, or removal shall be paid as provided in AS 02.15.104(c). If the owner does not change, relocate, or remove an encroachment within the time set by the department, the encroachment will be considered an unauthorized encroachment subject to the provisions of AS 02.15.114.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 15. Alaska Aeronautics Act of 1949
Article 3. Utilities and Encroachments at State Airports.
Sec. 02.15.102. Use of airports for utilities.
Sec. 02.15.104. Relocation of utility facilities incident to airport projects.
Sec. 02.15.106. Encroachment permits.
Sec. 02.15.108. Relocation or removal of encroachment.
Sec. 02.15.110. Unauthorized encroachments.
Sec. 02.15.112. Notice of removal of unauthorized encroachment.
Sec. 02.15.114. Removal at owner's expense after noncompliance; removal expense.