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Sec. 39.35.370. Retirement benefits. - (a) Subject to AS 39.35.450, a terminated employee is eligible...
Sec. 39.35.371. Distribution requirements. - (a) The entire interest of a member must be distributed...
Sec. 39.35.375. Public service benefit. - (a) An active or inactive member who has never been...
Sec. 39.35.381. Alternate benefit for elected public officers. - (a) An elected public officer is eligible for a public...
Sec. 39.35.385. Conditional service retirement benefits. - (a) Subject to AS 39.35.450, an employee is eligible for...
Sec. 39.35.389. Alternate benefits for EPORS members. - (a) Notwithstanding former AS 39.37.050, a former member of the...
Sec. 39.35.395. Voluntary contribution benefit. - The balance of the employee's savings account shall be paid...
Sec. 39.35.400. Nonoccupational disability benefits. - (a) An employee is eligible for a nonoccupational disability benefit...
Sec. 39.35.410. Occupational disability benefits. - (a) An employee is eligible for an occupational disability benefit...
Sec. 39.35.415. Reemployment of disabled employees. - An employee appointed to disability benefits under AS 39.35.400 or...
Sec. 39.35.420. Nonoccupational death benefits. - (a) If the death of an employee occurs from nonoccupational...
Sec. 39.35.430. Occupational death benefit. - (a) [Repealed, § 16 ch 123 SLA 1976.] (b) If...
Sec. 39.35.440. Death after occupational disability. - (a) [Repealed, § 19 ch 123 SLA 1976.] (b) Upon...
Sec. 39.35.450. Joint and survivor option. - (a) Benefits payable under this section are in place of...
Sec. 39.35.455. Rights under qualified domestic relations order. - A former spouse shall be treated as a spouse or...
Sec. 39.35.475. Post-retirement pension adjustment. - (a) Once each year the administrator shall increase benefit payments...
Sec. 39.35.480. Cost-of-living allowance. - (a) While residing in the state, a person receiving a...
Sec. 39.35.485. Minimum benefit. - (a) An employee who is eligible for a benefit calculated...
Sec. 39.35.490. Designation of beneficiary. - (a) Each employee shall designate the beneficiary or beneficiaries to...
Sec. 39.35.495. Time limit for application. - If no application for benefits or for refund has been...
Sec. 39.35.500. Safeguard of employee funds held by the plan; transfer to other plans. - (a) Except as provided in AS 29.45.030(a)(1) or in (b)...
Sec. 39.35.505. Exemption of employee funds and benefits. - Employee contributions and other amounts held in the plan and...
Sec. 39.35.510. Voluntary waiver of benefits. - A retired employee may, in writing, request the administrator to...
Sec. 39.35.520. Adjustments. - (a) When a change or error is made in the...
Sec. 39.35.522. Waiver of adjustments. - (a) Upon request by an affected member or beneficiary under...
Sec. 39.35.527. Election to terminate coverage as a peace officer or firefighter. - (a) Any active member may elect to irrevocably relinquish peace...
Sec. 39.35.530. Limit on pension. - An employee may not simultaneously receive a pension under more...
Sec. 39.35.535. Medical benefits. - (a) Except as provided in (d) of this section, the...
Sec. 39.35.541. Actuarial reduction of benefit. - (a) If, as a result of service credit claimed for...
Sec. 39.35.546. State and federal taxation of benefits. - (a) Benefits of AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680 are exempt from...
Sec. 39.35.547. Effect of amendments. - (a) An amendment of AS 39.35.095 - 39.35.680 is not...