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Sec. 39.35.300. Employment with the state. - (a) An active employee is entitled to credited service for...
Sec. 39.35.310. Employment with other employers. - (a) An active employee is entitled to credited service for...
Sec. 39.35.330. Leave of absence. - (a) A leave of absence with pay authorized by an...
Sec. 39.35.340. Military service. - (a) A vested employee is entitled to credited service for...
Sec. 39.35.342. Village public safety officer service. - (a) A vested employee is entitled to credited service for...
Sec. 39.35.345. Temporary service credit. - (a) A vested employee is entitled to credited service for...
Sec. 39.35.360. Earlier service. - (a) An employee who completes three years of credited service...