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Sec. 39.52.210. Declaration of potential violations by public employees. - (a) A public employee who is involved in a matter...
Sec. 39.52.220. Declaration of potential violations by members of boards or commissions. - (a) A member of a board or commission who is...
Sec. 39.52.225. Disclosures in connection with executive clemency. - Before granting executive clemency to an applicant for executive clemency,...
Sec. 39.52.230. Reporting of potential violations. - A person may report to a public officer's designated supervisor,...
Sec. 39.52.240. Advisory opinions. - (a) Upon the written request of a designated supervisor or...
Sec. 39.52.250. Advice to former public officers. - (a) A former public officer may request, in writing, an...
Sec. 39.52.260. Designated supervisor's report and attorney general review. - (a) A designated supervisor shall quarterly submit a report to...
Sec. 39.52.270. Disclosure statements. - (a) A public officer required to file a disclosure statement...