Alabama constitution
Article XIV: education
Section 266

(q) Upon the expiration of a term of office, a member of the board of trustees shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed pursuant to this amendment, is confirmed by the entire Senate by majority vote, and assumes office. If a successor is not confirmed by the conclusion of the regular session in which one or more names for the position were initially submitted, the former holder of the position may continue to serve until a successor is appointed and confirmed, but in no case shall this continuation be longer than one year after completion of the term of office.
(r) If any position on the board of trustees becomes vacant during a term of office by reason of death, resignation, or other cause, a person shall be appointed by the appointing committee to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of office pursuant to the procedure provided for other appointments made by the appointing committee. The position shall be considered vacant until a person is confirmed by a majority vote of the entire Senate.