The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by the Tombigbee valley development authority, a public corporation and agency of the state, and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of said authority; provided, that all moneys received by said authority from the state, whether as appropriations from the state’s general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state’s bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses to be paid from said appropriations and expenses of the sale of said bonds to be paid from said bond proceeds, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the projects and shall have directed said authority to undertake in its stead. The bonds authorized by this amendment shall be in addition to those authorized by that amendment to said constitution proposed by Act No. 248 adopted at the 1967 regular session of the legislature and ratified by the electors of the state on December 5, 1967.
Structure Alabama constitution