Alabama constitution
Article V: executive department
Section 128

If the governor or other officer administering the office shall appear to be of unsound mind, it shall be the duty of the supreme court of Alabama, at any regular term, or at any special term, which it is hereby authorized to call for that purpose, upon request in writing, verified by their affidavits, of any two of the officers named in section 127 of this Constitution, not next in succession to the office of governor, to ascertain the mental condition of the governor or other officer administering the office, and if he is adjudged to be of unsound mind, to so decree, a copy of which decree, duly certified, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state; and in the event of such adjudication, it shall be the duty of the officer next in succession to perform the duties of the office until the governor or other officer administering the office is restored to his mind. If the incumbent denies that the governor or other person entitled to administer the office has been restored to his mind, the supreme court, at the instance of any officer named in section 127 of this Constitution, shall ascertain the truth concerning the same, and if the officer has been restored to his mind, shall so adjudge and file a duly certified copy of its decree with the secretary of state; and in the event of such adjudication, the office shall be restored to him. The supreme court shall prescribe the method of taking testimony and the rules of practice in such proceedings, which rules shall include a provision for the service of notice of such proceedings on the governor or person acting as governor.