Alabama constitution
Article IV: legislative department
Section 111.04

No law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of municipal funds held or disbursed by the municipal governing body shall become effective as to any municipality of this state until the first day of the fiscal year next following the passage of such law. The foregoing notwithstanding, a law, whether general, special or local, whose purpose or effect is to provide for a new or increased expenditure of municipal funds held or disbursed by the municipal governing body, shall become effective according to its own terms as any other law if: (1) Such law is approved by a resolution duly adopted by and spread upon the minutes of the municipal governing body of the municipality affected thereby; or (2) Such law (or other law or laws which specifically refer to such law) provides the respective municipal governing bodies with new or additional revenues sufficient to fund such new or increased expenditures.