The governing body of a local government issuing revenue refunding bonds pursuant to this part and part 1 of this chapter shall prescribe and collect reasonable rates, fees or charges for the services, facilities and commodities of the enterprise, and shall revise such rates, fees or charges from time to time whenever necessary so that the enterprise shall be and always remain self-supporting. The rates, fees or charges prescribed shall be at least sufficient to produce revenue to:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 21 - Local Government Public Obligations Act of 1986
Part 10 - Revenue Refunding Bonds
§ 9-21-1002. Determination by Governing Body to Be Conclusive
§ 9-21-1004. Maximum Amount of Principal for Which Revenue Refunding Bonds May Be Issued
§ 9-21-1005. Sale of Revenue Refunding Bonds at Below Par Value
§ 9-21-1007. Limitation on Maturity of Bonds to Be Refunded
§ 9-21-1009. Installment Sales or Exchanges
§ 9-21-1010. Notice of Refunding
§ 9-21-1011. Notice of Redemption
§ 9-21-1013. Powers to Secure and to Covenant as to Revenue Refunding Bonds
§ 9-21-1014. Revenue Refunding Bonds of the Same Issue Shall Be Equally and Ratably Secured
§ 9-21-1015. Rates Prescribed Sufficient to Produce Sufficient Revenues