The state board of equalization shall consider the loan application and conduct such investigation of the fiscal condition of the applicant county or municipality as it may deem proper to determine the necessity for such financial assistance. To this end, the board is empowered to avail itself of the services of the comptroller of the treasury and the comptroller of the treasury's office. The board shall have the right to obtain any information pertinent to the subject matter from any department of the state government and any office or department or agency of the government of the applicant city or county. It shall specifically have the power to subpoena and require the testimony under oath of any officer or employee of the applicant, and to compel the production of any paper or record in the possession or custody of any such officer or employee.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 13 - Loans to Local Subdivisions in Emergencies
§ 9-13-101. Authority to Lend Appropriated Funds
§ 9-13-102. Reduction of Assessment of Utility Property as Prerequisite for Loan
§ 9-13-103. Application for Loan
§ 9-13-104. Determination of Necessity for Loan