Whenever the right to issue debt, whether bonds, notes or other obligations, exists for the state of Tennessee, any corporate governmental agency or instrumentality of the state of Tennessee, any county, city, municipal corporation, or other subdivision or public agency or entity thereof to finance capital assets, computer software, whether acquired before, at the same time as, or after the hardware needed for utilization of the software, to the extent accounted for as a capital asset, shall constitute equipment for financing purposes.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 9-1-102. Borrowing by State Employees and Officials Restricted
§ 9-1-104. Right of Prepayment to Appear on Instrument
§ 9-1-106. Negotiability of Public Bonds
§ 9-1-109. Penalties for Nonpayment of Checks or Money Orders
§ 9-1-117. Receipt or Collection of Personal Checks by State, Municipal or County Officials
§ 9-1-119. Computer Software as Equipment for Financing Purposes