2021 Tennessee Code
Part 8 - Leave for State Employees
§ 8-50-806. Leave for Adoptive Parents

Special leave shall be granted for a period of twelve (12) weeks to adoptive parents. Employees may use sick leave and annual leave for all or a portion of that twelve (12) weeks, not to exceed the employee's leave balance if the child is one (1) year old or less; in the event both parents are state employees, the aggregate of sick leave used for such purpose is limited to twelve (12) weeks. In order to be eligible for adoptive leave, the employee shall submit to the appointing authority a statement from a state-licensed child-placing agency verifying the adoption. Additional special leave may be granted at the discretion of the appointing authority not to exceed one (1) year. In the event the adoption process is not completed, the approval of leave pursuant to this section is rescinded. This section shall not apply in case of stepchild or adult adoption.