The TennCare bureau is directed to submit a state plan amendment to the centers for medicare and medicaid services that sets out a payment methodology for medicaid enrollees who are not also enrolled in medicare, consistent with provisions in § 6085 of the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, regarding emergency services furnished by noncontract providers for managed care enrollees. The payment amount shall be the average contract rate that would apply under the state plan for general acute care hospitals. A tiered grouping of hospitals by size or services may be utilized to administer these payments. The payment methodology developed pursuant to this section shall be budget neutral for the state fiscal year 2007-2008 when compared to the actual experience for emergency services furnished by non-contract providers for medicaid managed care enrollees prior to January 1, 2007. It is the intent that this section only applies to the emergency services furnished by noncontract providers for medicaid managed care enrollees.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 5 - Programs and Services for Poor Persons
Part 1 - Medical Assistance Act
§ 71-5-106. Determination of Eligibility for Medical Assistance
§ 71-5-108. Payment Methodology for Medicaid Enrollees Not Enrolled in Medicare
§ 71-5-111. Investigation — Determination of Eligibility
§ 71-5-112. Hearing Concerning Eligibility
§ 71-5-121. Transfer of Income or Resources
§ 71-5-123. Statement of Public Officials as to Interest in Vendors or Providers
§ 71-5-125. Duties of Fiscal Review Committee
§ 71-5-127. Conflict With Federal Law — Single State Agency
§ 71-5-128. Contracts With Health Maintenance Organizations — Requirements
§ 71-5-129. Charges for Services of Physician Assistants
§ 71-5-134. Rules and Regulations — Funding Medical Assistance
§ 71-5-135. State Unemployment Health Care Benefits — Scope — Conditions
§ 71-5-136. Hold Harmless Requirements Prohibited
§ 71-5-138. Compliance With Provisions Regarding Authorizations for Pharmacy Services
§ 71-5-146. Pharmacy Lock-in Program
§ 71-5-149. Disease Management Program
§ 71-5-150. Reimbursement for Tenncare Crossover Payments
§ 71-5-182. Violations — Damages — Definitions
§ 71-5-189. Accounting of Tenncare Funds
§ 71-5-192. Information Management System
§ 71-5-193. Children's Mental Health Care — Development of Interagency Projects and Programs
§ 71-5-194. Spend Down Eligibility for Medical Assistance
§ 71-5-195. Study on Use of Prescription Drugs in Nursing Homes