2021 Tennessee Code
Part 10 - Nursing Home Assessment Trust Fund
§ 71-5-1007. Requirements for Nursing Homes Participating in Medicaid Program — Penalties for Noncompliance — Waiver of Penalties

For the purposes of this part, any nursing home participating in the medicaid program shall file cost reports in accordance with the rules adopted by the bureau. Any nursing home participating in the medicaid program that does not adopt the uniform classification of accounts, or other acceptable accounting methods as shall be established by the rules of the bureau, in consultation with the comptroller of the treasury and the Tennessee Health Care Association, or does not submit cost data as required by the bureau, shall be assessed a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each day such provider is not in compliance with this section. The bureau may waive, in whole or in part, any penalty upon a determination that there is good cause for such a waiver. The penalty imposed by this section shall supersede any penalty imposed under § 12-4-304.