All action required or authorized to be taken under this chapter by the governing body of any county may be by resolution, which resolution may be adopted at the meeting, regular or special, of the governing body at which such resolution is introduced, and shall take effect immediately upon such adoption. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no resolution under this chapter need be published or posted, nor shall any such resolution be subject to veto by the chief executive officer of a county or presiding officer of the governing body. Any such resolution shall require for its passage not less than a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body present at the meeting, regular or special, in which such resolution shall be introduced for passage.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 7 - Consolidated Governments and Local Governmental Functions and Entities
Chapter 60 - Tennessee Home Mortgage Act
§ 7-60-204. Procedure for Adoption of Resolutions
§ 7-60-205. Recital of Issuance Pursuant to Chapter
§ 7-60-206. Interim Certificates — Temporary Obligations
§ 7-60-207. Validity of Bonds or Notes
§ 7-60-211. Exemption From Taxation
§ 7-60-212. Agreement With Bond and Noteholders