2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 36 - Municipal Energy Authority Act
§ 7-36-122. Payments in Lieu of Taxes

The authority is authorized to pay or cause to be paid from the revenues of each of the systems for each fiscal year payments in lieu of taxes to the associated municipality or such other municipality as shall properly receive said payments. Payments from the electric system revenues must be made and computed in accordance with the Municipal Electric Plant Law of 1935, compiled in chapter 52, part 1 of this title, and payments made from revenues of the telecommunication system must be made in accordance with §§ 7-52-404 and 7-52-606. Payments made from revenues of the water and wastewater systems must be made by agreement with the affected municipality. The authority shall make payments in lieu of taxes to the associated municipality, accruing from and after the effective date of the transfer of such system or systems from the associated municipality, from such system's revenues on the same basis as payments are currently being made by the supervisory body. The authority shall provide the associated municipality with a copy of its annual audited financial statements at the time each such annual payment is made and shall provide access to such financial information of the authority as is necessary for the associated municipality to review the basis for and amounts of payments required pursuant to this section. To the extent not otherwise addressed in chapter 52, parts 4 and 6 of this title, in connection with the provision of telecommunications service, the authority is subject to all other state and local fees and charges imposed upon private providers of telecommunications services.