2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 32 - Improvements by Special Assessment
§ 7-32-106. Hearing of Objections — Final Action on Ordinance

At the time and place appointed, pursuant to § 7-32-105, the legislative body shall meet, and at the meeting, or at the time and place to which the meeting may be adjourned from time to time, all persons whose property may be affected by the improvement or improvements may appear in person or by attorney or by petition and protest against the making of such improvement or improvements, the material to be used, and the manner of making improvement or improvements; and the legislative body shall consider such objections and protests, if any, and may confirm, amend, modify, or rescind the original ordinance. Failure to object or protest at the time of confirmation of the original ordinance shall constitute a waiver of any and all irregularities, omissions, and defects in the proceedings taken prior to such a time.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 7 - Consolidated Governments and Local Governmental Functions and Entities

Chapter 32 - Improvements by Special Assessment

§ 7-32-102. Ordinance for Improvement

§ 7-32-103. Filing of Documents

§ 7-32-104. Appointment of Time to Hear Objections

§ 7-32-105. Notice of Ordinance and Hearing of Objections

§ 7-32-106. Hearing of Objections — Final Action on Ordinance

§ 7-32-107. Undertaking Work — Construction Contract

§ 7-32-108. Security Required of Bidders

§ 7-32-109. Rejection of Bids — Rebidding

§ 7-32-110. Contractor's Performance Bond

§ 7-32-111. Costs Borne by Railway

§ 7-32-112. Replacement of Railway Rails

§ 7-32-113. Ascertainment of Railway's Intent

§ 7-32-114. Deduction of Cost Payable by Railway

§ 7-32-117. Apportionment of Cost of Intersection Improvements

§ 7-32-118. Property Owners Bearing Entire Cost

§ 7-32-119. Costs of Improvements

§ 7-32-122. Filing Objections to Assessments

§ 7-32-123. Hearing on Assessments and Objections

§ 7-32-127. New Assessment to Replace Assessment Set Aside

§ 7-32-128. Correction of Errors

§ 7-32-130. Entries in Assessment Book — Copies

§ 7-32-132. Warrant for and Payment of Assessments

§ 7-32-135. Payment Date Without Installment Contract

§ 7-32-137. Default in Installment Payments

§ 7-32-139. Purchase by City — Resale by City

§ 7-32-140. Power to Borrow and Pay for Improvements

§ 7-32-141. Supplemental to Other Law

§ 7-32-142. Construction of Chapter