Any person who obstructs for twenty-four (24) hours, in any way, that part of the stream directed to be left open, or fails to open slopes as the commissioners may judge necessary, forfeits twenty dollars ($20.00), one half (½) to go to the county, and the other one half (½) to any person suing for it.
Code 1858, § 1315 (deriv. Acts 1787, ch. 15, § 2); Shan., § 1827; Code 1932, § 3091; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 70-116.
Law Reviews.
The Movement for New Water Rights Laws in the Tennessee Valley States (Robert H. Marquis, Richard M. Freeman and Milton S. Heath, Jr.), 23 Tenn. L. Rev. 797.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 69 - Waters, Waterways, Drains and Levees
§ 69-1-101. Navigable Waters Are Highways
§ 69-1-102. Opening and Cleaning Navigable Streams
§ 69-1-103. Overseers Appointed for Navigable Stream Districts
§ 69-1-104. Working on Streams as Public Roads
§ 69-1-105. Supervisor of Water Improvements — Duties
§ 69-1-106. Compensation of Supervisor
§ 69-1-107. Obstructing River — Penalty
§ 69-1-108. Diverting Water From Main Channel
§ 69-1-109. Temporary Diversion From Sluice
§ 69-1-110. Damages for Diversion of Stream
§ 69-1-111. County May Permit or Remove Improvements
§ 69-1-112. Commissioners of Watercourses