2021 Tennessee Code
Part 2 - Quarantine
§ 68-9-202. Examination and Quarantine of Suspects

The commissioner and all state, district, county or municipal health officers or their authorized deputies within their respective jurisdictions, are authorized, directed and empowered, when in their judgment it is necessary to protect the public health, to make or have examinations made by a duly licensed and practicing physician of this state to be selected by the health officer, of persons reasonably suspected because of known clinical or epidemiological evidence of having infectious tuberculosis, and to require persons found to have infectious tuberculosis to comply with all provisions of this chapter for protection of the public from exposure to tuberculosis, and also, when in the judgment of the commissioner or state, district, municipal or county health officers, it is necessary to protect the public health, the officers are directed and empowered to isolate or quarantine persons who, because of known clinical or epidemiological evidence, are suspected of having infectious tuberculosis; provided, that any person so suspected may have present at the time of examination a physician of the person's own choosing to participate in the examination.