The division has the power and is authorized to expend from the amount appropriated to it such amount as may be recommended by the commissioner and approved by the governor for the establishment and operation of field treatment clinics, which shall include, but not be limited to, the necessary medical personnel, nursing personnel, anti-tuberculosis medications, supplies and x-ray and other equipment necessary to the organization and conduct of such clinic, research, administration, and all other purposes incident thereto.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
§ 68-9-102. Division of Tuberculosis Control Created
§ 68-9-103. Chapter Definitions
§ 68-9-104. Rules and Regulations — Purposes
§ 68-9-107. Field Treatment Clinics
§ 68-9-108. Acquisition and Divestiture of Property
§ 68-9-110. Hospital Administrative Personnel
§ 68-9-113. Fiscal Policies Authorized to Qualify for Federal and Other Aid
§ 68-9-115. Attorney General and Reporter— Duties
§ 68-9-116. East Tennessee Chest Disease Hospital Not Affected