2021 Tennessee Code
Part 7 - Tennessee Safe Drinking Water Act of 1983
§ 68-221-703. Part Definitions. [See Contingent Amendment to Subdivision (2) and the Compiler’s notes.]

As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
[Current version. See second version for contingent amendment and the Compiler's Notes.]
[Contingent amendment. See the Compiler's Notes.]
“Board” means the Tennessee board of energy and natural resources, created by § 69-3-104;
Irrigation Districts.  An irrigation district in existence prior to May 18, 1994, that provides primarily agricultural service through a piped water system with only incidental residential or similar use shall not be considered to be a public water system if the system or the residential or similar users of the system comply with subdivision (19)(B)(i)(b ) or (c );
“Secondary drinking water regulations” means regulations which apply to public water systems and which specify the maximum contaminant levels which, in the judgment of the board, are requisite to protect the public welfare. Such regulations may apply to any contaminant in drinking water which may:
Adversely affect the odor or appearance of such water and consequently may cause a substantial number of persons served by the public water system providing such water to discontinue its use; or
Otherwise adversely affect the public welfare;
“Streams” includes any river, creek, slough or natural water course in which water usually flows in a defined bed or channel. It is not essential that the flowing be uniform or uninterrupted. The fact that some parts of the bed or channel have been dredged or improved does not prevent the water course from being a stream;
“Supplier of water” means any person who owns, operates or controls a public water system;
“Surface water” includes waters upon the surface of the earth in bounds created naturally or artificially including, but not limited to, streams, other water courses, lakes and reservoirs; and
“Waters” means any and all water, public or private, on or beneath the surface of the ground, which are contained within, flow through, or border upon Tennessee, or any portion thereof, except those bodies of water confined to and retained within the limits of private property in single ownership which do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters.