2021 Tennessee Code
Part 5 - Property Where Methamphetamine Manufactured
§ 68-212-507. Recording of Notice of Methamphetamine Lab Quarantine in the Office of County Register — Form

Notice of Methamphetamine Lab Quarantine Notice is hereby given that an illegal laboratory for the manufacture of methamphetamine was seized at the location described below on   (date). This real property has been quarantined by  (name of local law enforcement agency)  pursuant to  Tennessee Code Annotated, § 68-212-503 . The property is to remain quarantined until a certified industrial hygienist or other person or entity named on the commissioner's list pursuant to  § 68-212-502  certifies that the property is safe for human use. Name of Property Owner or Owners:  Property Address:  Apartment or Unit Number (if applicable):  Description of Property Sufficient to Identify:  Name of Person and Agency Giving Notice:  Signature of Person Giving Notice   Title/Position   Date
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