Sections 68-140-402 and 68-140-404 — 68-140-409 shall only apply to situations involving emergency use of an AED and in no case shall it apply where there is a duty to provide care. Nor shall it apply where a doctor has prescribed use of an AED for a patient's use in the patient's private home.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 140 - Emergency Services
Part 4 - Automated External Defibrillators
§ 68-140-401. Legislative Intent
§ 68-140-402. Part Definitions
§ 68-140-403. Use of Aed Devices — Training — Maintenance — Registration Encouraged
§ 68-140-404. Program for Use of Aeds
§ 68-140-405. Rules Relating to Aed's — Adoption — Scope and Contents
§ 68-140-406. Limitation on Liability of Entity Responsible for Program
§ 68-140-407. Limitation on Liability of Trainers
§ 68-140-408. Training and Demonstration of Competence in Cpr and Use of Aed
§ 68-140-409. Applicability of §§ 68-140-402, 68-140-404 — 68-140-409